BaggingIt4Kids is committed to eliminating food waste and addressing food insecurity by supplying fresh food for:
Durham public school pantries
Neighborhood food pantries
Community fridges
Community cookouts
Emergency/rescue aid
Our friends Isaiah Evans, Patrick Ngongba II, and Maliq Brown from the Duke Basketball team
talk Mutual Aid, what's next for BaggingIt4Kids, and how you can get involved.
We are fundraising for a refrigerated van

to expand the work we do in 2025.
Sparked by a child’s heartbreaking words, “It’s not my day to eat,” Ginger turned her outrage into action and began providing bagged lunches for students in need and now B4K redistributes surplus groceries into the community, ensuring food doesn’t go to waste.
FREE grocery giveaway at Fayetteville Street Elementary (2905 Fayetteville St.)
LAST Sunday of the month​

Hundreds in Durham face hunger daily, with food insecurity disproportionately impacting poor, working-class Black and brown communities.
The #DurhamEats2024 campaign is a collective effort to ensure food access for all, built on solidarity, not charity.​
If your mutual aid or food justice group wants to collaborate, email
Follow #DurhamEats2024 for updates on food distributions, events, and cookouts.
10 food distros (Farmer Foodshare)
World Hunger Day (Durham Central Park)
Fayetteville Street Elementary produce distro
Juneteenth (West End/Lyon Park Legacy Project)
CANDOR’s Rally for Disability Justice
Stocked both Durham Community Fridges regularly
Located, transported, and cleaned a new fridge for MAAME
New partnership with Parktown Food Hub
1st community cookout at Holton Career Center
Weekly food distros at the Farmer Foodshare
Fayetteville Street Elementary produce distributions
Stocked both Durham Community Fridges regularly
Pop-up produce, kids’ books, and activity giveaway at McDougal Terrace
Grocery distro (2024 Disability Pride Parade with AKALAKA)
Prepared bagged lunches for the Boys & Girls Club of Durham/Orange Co.
2nd community cookout at Holton Career Center with Duke Basketball teams​
Weekly food distros (Farmer Foodshare)
Fayetteville Street Elementary produce distributions
Stocking both Durham Community Fridges regularly
3rd community cookout at the Community Center at Lyon Park
Celebration of Elders (Durham Center for Senior Life)
Road clean up & food distro in Western NC post hurricane
Partnered with Haywood Pantries in Canton, NC, distributed food and supplies
Produce giveaway at the Fayetteville Street Elementary resource fair

BaggingIt4Kids is now selling short and long sleeve shirts, plus crewneck sweatshirts on Bonfire! Each features our logo and a Durham map marked with an apple, representing the church pantries we support.
Proceeds help fund our mutual aid efforts—click here to shop!